Online Teaching Course Accreditation Committee
Professional moderation to ensure consistency of online education standards for students
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Students must be able see exactly what units they will cover in specific course(s), allowing them to compare course(s) with other options available online.
Students are provided quality material that allows them to fully develop their education and/or training, free from grammatical or spelling errors, bias, or ambiguity.
Students should know exactly how much the course costs, what this entitles them to, and any future payments they are obligated to pay in connection with the course.
Institutions must provide an easy way for their students to contact for online support. This should be free of charge and within clearly visible hours (if not 24/7).
For pedagogical courses, students must have access to printable certification or a physical copy of their certificate with the potential to receive duplicates.
Upon completion of their course(s), students must be afforded the opportunity to publicly review the course(s), sharing their opinion with other potential students.