Online Teaching Course Accreditation Committee
The OTCAC Accredited Courses List currently includes distance education high school review courses and further education training courses (pedagogy for teaching ELL and EFL). While the institutions offering a these courses are examined for their ethical practices, it is the courses that OTCAC accredits. A course is typically evaluated for accreditation over a period of 90 days, which is valid for a year. Each year, an OTCAC reviewer is responsible for conducting an online ‘stealth check’ of each accredited course, whereby information provided by an institution on their annual ‘self-evaluation and disclosure’ form is cross-checked with information present on their website. Reaccreditation by OTCAC generally operates on a five-year cycle, but OTCAC reserves the right to bring forward this timeline if stealth checks reveal a drastic deviation from OTCAC standards in a previously accredited course.
Accreditation is granted when a course is deemed to fully comply with each of the OTCAC accreditation standards. An institution’s status is indicated below. An institution’s course can be displayed as “accredited”, “decision pending”, “previously accredited”, “denied”, or “processing reaccreditation”. In certain cases, additional information on the reason(s) for the status might be available. Accredited institutions’ courses flagged for potentially deviating from OTCAC standards after the annual check remain fully accredited until the underlying issues are resolved.
Course(s): IB TOK
Accreditation: Previously Accredited
Country: UAE
Course(s): 120-hour | 168-hour TEFL
Accreditation: Accredited
Country: South Korea
Course(s): 100-hour | 120-hour TEFL
Accreditation: Accredited
Country: UK
Course(s): IB English A | English B | Psychology | Geography
Accreditation: Accredited
Country: UK
Course(s): 120-hour TEFL
Accreditation: Accredited
Country: UK
Course(s): 120-hour TEFL
Accreditation: Accredited
Country: UK
Course(s): iGCSE | IB Maths | Economics
Accreditation: Previously Accredited
Country: UK
Course(s): 150-hours TEFL
Accreditation: Denied
Country: UK
Course(s): 100-hours TEFL
Accreditation: Accredited
Country: Thailand
Course(s): Cambridge iGCSE English
Accreditation: Accredited
Country: China
Course Provider
Course Title
IB Studynova
IB Theory of Knowledge (TOK)
Previously Accredited
120-hour TEFL | 168-hour TEFL
South Korea
100-hour TEFL | 120-hour TEFL
IB Study Guide
IB English A | English B | Psychology | Geography
120-hour TEFL
120-hour TEFL
IB Think
IB | iGCSE Maths | Economics
Previously Accredited
150-hours TEFL
100-hour TEFL
Cambridge Lit
Cambridge iGCSE English
To start off the accreditation process, contact us with information about your online course. We accredit only online education courses.
We visit your online site to ensure that your site is transparent and provides your students with a course outline before they pay.
We then contact you with our detailed list of standards. Once confident your course meets our criteria, you make the accreditation payment.
Our expert consultants then examine your course content, checking it against our standards list to ensure it meets our rigid standards.
You will be provided with course feedback within the stipulated timeframe. This will confirm your success or highlight edits required to gain accreditation.
Upon meeting all of our standards, you will receive an online logo to display on your website and a live link to your certificate of accreditation.
Contact us with a summary of what courses you offer your clients and provide as much detail as possible about your course content. One of our consultants will respond shortly thereafter to start the accreditation process.