Why choose us?
Unlike other online course accreditors, we do not just issue accreditation to a company that pays us. Courses must meet or exceed our objective benchmarks. We are a professional committee consisting of industry and education experts; we maintain objective standards at all times. A course will not receive accreditation until it meets our stringent requirements.
Our standards are strict but they are transparent, meaning your company will know exactly what criteria your course must meet in order to attain accreditation. If you fail to meet these standards on the first attempt then we provide you with the necessary feedback to amend your course so that it will meet our standards when you re-submit it for accreditation. Your second attempt is included in your accreditation fee.
Accreditation includes your first year of membership. Following this first year, annual membership per course costs just $159 and includes a stealth visit to your online centre. Discounts are available for course-providers with multiple courses accredited by OTCAC. Each annual review requires each course-provider to submit a completed self-evaluation form regarding each OTCAC-accredited course. Our consultants peruse your site for any inconsistencies or deviations from the previous year’s course details and provide you with a written report. Assuming that your course still meets our standards, you will be able to continue paying annual fees and displaying our accreditation logo. Should your course fail to meet our standards on the return visit then you will be informed in the written report and may only be able to continue membership the following year if you return your course to its original state or amend it to meet our standards. You have our guarantee that our membership fees will not change until our reassessment period in 2025.
You have our guarantee that our membership fee of $159 per year will not change until our reassessment period in 2025. The fee percentage change is prohibited from fluctuating by greater than 20%.
No matter what day of the week or what time of the year, one of our staff will respond to your query swiftly. We value our clients and understand your urgency in earning accreditation so that you can offer an assurance in quality to your prospective students or trainees.
Our consultants responsible for the accreditation process are generally postgraduate-educated to the master’s degrees and have a wealth of professional experience in their subject area. We want online students to receive the education they are paying for, so any course that we accredit must meet our high standards.